Tuesday, March 31, 2009

My Political Governor

Wow! I just spent over an hour talking to my sister. She's insane and I love her for it. She reminds me of my wife(but that's another blog I haven't got clearance to write yet). My sister Peggy is a very important part of my life. I must say, this is a woman I wish everyone could meet. She is a trip. I love talking with her because the two of us have been through so much together. We have a bond that is unlike any other person I know. Trust me, it ain't always the greatest! But think about it, who bonds with people they always get along with in an in depth way?

Let me give you some background. Peggy is 2 years older than me. My other two sisters are 7 and 8 years older than me. When the older ones were off to college(at the same school no less) it was just me and Peggy. This was good and bad. All we had was each other. Peggy was young for her grade and I was old for my grade. Therefore, we had 3 grades separating us....yep you guessed it....Senior and Freshman in high school!

She would never talk to me in high school. But all her friends would! It made my transition to high school a little easier(high school sucks as a freshman, we all lived it). She took me to my first concert....The Doobie Brothers...I'll never forget it! Her girlfriends always liked me. And her boyfriends knew(as did all my sister's boyfriends from high school through life) getting me on their good side worked well on their behalf's).

As we grew older we got a little distant. I don't think this is unlike any siblings who have spent so much time together as children. We were pretty tight as kids....shit, she read the entire Charlie and the Chocolate Factory book to me when we were kids(by the way she had already read it)!

She went to college...I went to college....blah, blah, blah. I started becoming increasing liberal. She starting becoming increasing conservative. Boy this helped the relationship.

Who knows what influences the choices you make in your life. I can tell you, if you go to a conservative college odds are you will eventually become conservative and if you go to a liberal college odds are you will eventually become liberal. Low and behold, that's what happened! I know you're shocked.

When my folks got divorced after 33 years of marriage I was pretty distraught. Don't get me wrong, divorce hits us all in different ways and I spoke with my Mom and Dad regularly about my feelings, but I knew who I needed to talk to.....Peggy.

I still remember talking with her that first time after the divorce and she consoled me like no one else could. I think deep down she felt the same way. Our relationship with our parents was a different one than our older sisters. Think about the 70's and 80's. These were intense times. Women became more independent. Things started becoming more equal. It truly was a good time for us all. I believe my parents are better people today than if they forced themselves to stay together. That was the way of the 60's and 70's. Not in the late 80's.

The point is, Peggy was the only one who could get me where I needed to be during that time. Today, she is the same.

I can do no justice on this blog in describing her. To meet her is to know her. If I told you she was opinionated, the point wouldn't get across....not deep enough. If I told you she is never wrong(she is a Scorpio like my dad) it wouldn't be acute enough(she never used to be wrong, but she's better now...a little...just don't go in the kitchen when she's cooking).

The best way I can describe her is that she is my yin to my yang. She is my pro to my con. She has always tested me and makes me think deeply.

I would be remiss if I didn't tell you she is an incredibly talented and smart human being. She is a great mother and wife. She has two beautiful children and I'm extremely proud of her(but I probably have never told her that).

Now that I've kissed her ass significantly, let's get to the nitty-gritty. She called tonite to tell me how much she loves this blog(mind you she is not a telephone person so I was a little taken aback it was her on the phone and not her husband, who is...we talk all the time....more than I do with Peggy).

Peggy is my political governor. She keeps me on track. Readers of this blog know I tend to slide to the left. This woman is the person I think about when I write politically. Often times when I want to slide all the way to the left I will think of Peggy and realize we have two sides of government. Our forefathers wanted it this way. We all lose site of this so often. If it weren't for a different side, we would never check up on our politicians. She always reminds me of how important this is(of course in the last 8 years.....not so much...but I still get it).

We had such a great conversation tonite. We disagree often, but we don't fight. We're beyond that. We listen. How could you not listen to people you love? She is a person who is going through similar struggles as me?

Whenever you are reading and think I'm being too centered, it's because of Peggy. I'm proud of it.

I'm so glad she is reading because she has always been a part of my blog from day 1.

By the way....at one point in our conversation tonite she called me her husband's name. It was extremely great for me since I love her husband. So much so, he is the godfather of my daughter.

It's nice to know my sister married a guy who is a little like me sometimes!


  1. Oh, Tommy...I am in tears. You are an incredible writer. It is so cool to see you doing something I know how much you enjoy! Love you so much. No one could ask for a better brother, we know each other so well. God bless you, Vick and the babies.


  2. Thank you for keeping me on my toes, Sis.
    Love you too!

  3. Long live Scorpio's. It is not easy being right all the time!

