Thursday, March 5, 2009

Why Rush Fuss?

I just don't get it. But then again maybe I should. Radio is a completely different world than the one we all know. It truly must be experienced to be understood. I was a theatre major in college and one of the problems I found with all the students in "theatre world" was that if you were any good, you were a good liar. Think about it, actors are nothing more than terrific liars. They become and portray a completely different person. Their sole effort is to make you, the audience believe they are someone other than themselves. As an actor you can get so good at it you can use it to your advantage. The problem lies in deciphoring the truth from the lies. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Having to talk into a microphone for 4 straight hours is a daunting task to say the least. You must have an endless supply of energy and a solid script. If not, noone will listen. As a producer and programmer one of the most difficult tasks was to get through to the talent that what they, the talent wanted to talk about was not what was most beneficial to them or their ratings(let alone the radio station).

Get this straight...entertainers are matter how much you relate to them or believe in what they are saying, they are meerly playing a part. A part in which you will become attached.

I'm not saying that entertainers are bad people. I'm saying they are doing their job. Their job is to get you hooked. Get you to stay with them throught the onslaught of commercials and money making schemes that hover around every broadcast you view or hear. The good ones understand the people and use it to their advantage.

I have never met a radio personality who was the same person in the hallway that he or she was on the air. It just simply isn't possible. Noone could carry the same amount of energy it takes to perform a radio show into their normal life, noone would be able to stand...let alone keep it up for 24/7.

I also have never met a good radio personality who wasn't insecure. They fret about whether listeners like them at all times of the day. It is what they live for. To be loved. The insecurity is what fuels them to perform day in and day out at a level that is

acceptable to their fragile existance.

I just don't get it. But then again maybe I should. Radio is a completely different world than the one we all know. It truly must be experienced to be understood. I was a theatre major in college and one of the problems I found with all the students in the "theatre world" was that if you were any good, you were a great liar. Think about it, actors are nothing more than terrific liars. They become and portray a completely different person. Their sole effort is to make you, the audience believe they are someone other than themselves. As an actor you can get so good at it you can use it to your advantage. The problem lies in deciphering the truth from the lies. Rush Limbaugh is an entertainer. Having to talk into a microphone for 4 straight hours is a daunting task to say the least. You must have an endless supply of energy and a solid script. If not, noone will listen. As a producer and programmer one of the most difficult tasks was to get through to the talent that what they, the talent wanted to talk about was not what was most beneficial to them or their ratings(let alone the radio station).

Get this straight...entertainers are matter how much you relate to them or believe in what they are saying, they are meerly playing a part. A part in which you will become attached.

I'm not saying that entertainers are bad people. I'm saying they are doing their job. Their job is to get you hooked. Get you to stay with them throught the onslaught of commercials and money making schemes that hover around every broadcast you view or hear. The good ones understand the people and use it to their advantage.

I have never met a radio personality who was the same person in the hallway that he or she was on the air. It just simply isn't possible. Noone could carry the same amount of energy it takes to perform a radio show into their normal life, noone would be able to stand it...let alone keep it up for 24/7.

I also have never met a good radio personality who wasn't insecure. They fret about whether listeners like them at all times of the day. It is what they live for. To be loved. The insecurity is what fuels them to perform day in and day out at a level that is acceptable to their fragile existance.

Now that you have the proper backround it is time to take Limbaugh in perspective. He doesn't care about our country. He doesn't care about what is best for you or me or anyone in the country....all he cares about is ratings. He could be a guy who has voted for a democrat for president his whole life for all we know. Because really...we don't know. This is a radio personality. All he cares about is ratings. It has nothing to do with right or wrong. It has nothing to do about what the American people feel. This is meerly a sophomoric television wanna-be. Most radio people are. The fact that Republicans listen to the garbage this man spews and believe it make them similar to evangilists who spew whatever it is they spew.

The problem lies in the fact that President Obama and the like give this radio icon his due...he has no due. He only cares about ratings. If he didn't he would be like every other radio personality wondering "what went wrong?". Limbaugh preps for his show every day and says to his producers, "what will bring us ratings today?" He certainly does't ask, "what will be the best for the country today". Get a grip America. This radio duesch bag is nothing more than a radio duesch bag.

Everyone needs to stop thinking that this wind bag on the radio cares about anything more than his paycheck. All of us who have spent time in the radio business know that the most important object to the people in control is their paycheck.

The worst thing anyone could do is give this guy attention. Stop are pawns. Stop thinking he is a voice of anything other than his own wants/needs. Start thinking for yourself. Even if you agree with him, it's fine...just don't come up with the idea because he told you to.

Remember. Radio personalities don't give a shit about you. All they care about is that you listen, buy their products and follow them to the promised land.

In radio one rule holds true...."always protect your paycheck".....that's what Limbaugh is doing...and his check is pretty big!

1 comment:

  1. Nice job Tommy. We have a saying (and you know who I mean when I say we). Big Ego and a low self-esteem equals trouble. Also describes many people I meet with everyday include myslef. Sounds a lot like radio personalities.

