Friday, March 27, 2009

What Would You Say?

I'm a little blogged out tonite so I'm going to let my friends input their feelings...this should be fun....

First up is my sister in law Kathy.....Getting scared about the 40's world..... "I am quickly approaching the age of 40. I spent time with my fiance' talking about my childhood. I quickly realized that my childhood molded me to the "being" I am today. He responded in a very proud manner. Over the years, I have learned to appreciate myself, love myself and love my family and friends with unconditional thankfulness. I love them for giving me this. My childhood wasn't exactly the easiest of growing environments. Being the youngest of five siblings can be a bitch! Having their influence not only made me who I am today, but made me love and understand the way it made me. Life is what it is. I have two beautiful boys and I couldn't be more proud of them. I don't think they would be the young men that they are today if it weren't for the influence and the intense love of my family."

Next up is my lovely we go... this should be interesting....."I believe that nobody should be in my personal life that isn't in my personal life. Although most people who read this I know personally, I don't believe that everyone I know should be privy to all aspects of my life. That is my blog."

I've been married to this woman for 16 years!

Time now for my new brother in law...who isn't my brother in law until October...but he is the guy who is marrying the woman above.....

This is Shaun...."I respect my future brother in law and I respect his blog...however...I do have a few criticisms; and I shall elaborate......, this is a different path than the original plan, however, I have had too many Blackhaus shots, I reserve the rite to change the course of this column at any time.

I was actually excited to have an opportunity to express my opinions on his blog....however...I was informed I was to dictate these feelings through him. This makes it much more difficult, but, I will do my best to convey my true feelings.

I was thrilled to have met the love of my life last June. It was truly love at first sight. How in the world could I follow the words from above of my future wife? Truly inspirational! I must tell you, every ounce of my being from our wedding day on, will be toward our happiness. I am pressured to write this last minute, and this is the best I can come up with, however, it is all true. Good luck Tom on this blog. and wish me the best in my adventure with the love of my life."

Boy, that was fun. I'm not sure what the hell we found out about all that but at least I didn't have to spew my thoughts for this evening. I was actuall going to destroy the NCAA tournament tonite, but I think this was wayyyyy better.

Although, I'm extremely confused!


  1. Tom- I thought that I was the more intriguing sister, but still no mention!


  2. You can be next "B" but I'm not sure I have enough room on the blog for you!

  3. Mr. Serritella,
    you are one of the most interesting, and intriguing people I have ever met. I often wondered what ever became of you. Sounds like life is treating you well - that's awesome.
    Take care of yourself.

  4. I'm so glad I've reached a friend from my past. I have added an "email me" post at the front of my page to make it easier to get in touch...please utilize this....I'd love to communicate with the people whose paths I have crossed!
