Sunday, March 8, 2009

Friends are scary

Sorry about yesterday, I had too much happening at the house and not enough ideas to fulfill a quality posting. Weekends at our house are usually full of friends until late night. This is a good thing. My wife and I love the company and openly invite our friends to our home. One of our friends has been absent for the last couple of weeks. I have asked my wife, "what is up with Linda? We haven't seen her for some time." Linda is a great friend of ours and is a terrific person. My wife and I love her dearly. She's the kind of person you have known as an acquaintance from other friends but when you start talking with her you become instant friends because you have so much in common and you know....connect.

After this realization about her, Linda has become a fixture at our house. She gets along with my children wonderfully and is just a good person to be around. She makes you feel good just by being in the same room.

She would come by even for a short while just to hug the kids or say hello or have dinner with us. The last two weeks she has been absent. I haven't seen her. I began to worry.

Often times because I am so emotionally outspoken, I have a tendency to drive people away. My friend Linda has had many conversations with me and is emotionally and intellectually equiped to handle me and my theories/opinions. Still I was worried I may have done or said something to push her away.

Come to find out, she has had a horrific two weeks of work and has been holed up in her condo working evenings to stay on top of her work duties. We got together tonite with my neighbor and had a great evening of food and fun....all is well.

But this brings me to my many times we think the worst of our friends first. Instead of thinking that things in our friend's lives may be keeping them from us, we think they don't care. More times than not it is our own insecurities that are telling us that. Think about it....why are we friends in the first place? Because no matter what life may bring the both of us, I will still love you as my friend.

Insecurity is what makes us think the worst of people. In reality we should be thinking of the best.

I'm glad all is well with Linda....she makes me happy!

I feel bad that I was worried about my friendship with Linda but I also realize that it means alot to me that she is my friend. I will always give her the benefit of the doubt from here on out because she has earned it and deserves it.


  1. TJ, not to mention those friends that can be out of touch for years and walk back in and you pick up where you left off. I don;t have too many friends like that and I am glad to count you among them. As the Complete Pete said, "How many friends do you really have?" "I can count them on one hand". Miss you bro. Billy

  2. By the way, get typing. The blog needs you jackass.Billy

  3. Well said Jackass!


  4. I have had a few years where Linda and I have not been in touch. But we have never lost the connection we have. She is the only friend i can tell everything to and that connection is never severed by time or space. That's how you know a true friend.

  5. She is an amazing friend and thanks for posting Kym. I wouldn't know her if it wasn't for you!
