Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Amusing Musings...

I think it's time to have some musing....

I gotta tell you Ellen Ripley is one bad-ass woman. Every time I see the sequel to Alien, Aliens I can't turn the channel. I have seen this movie dozens of times. I can remember being at Big Bill's house almost every nite watching this movie back in the late 80's. You see Bill had a VCR and back in those days not many did. Plus he had a couple of cool movies. One of which was Aliens and by gosh we watched it every nite. Even if I had to be home at a certain time, I would inevitably stay and watch the entire thing. "Get away from her you BITCH!" C'mon she was bad as hell. Great stuff. The ending was an amazing hour of terror but the beginning had great comic relief from Bill Paxton(Big Love, Tombstone)...."I say we grease the rat fink S.O.B. right now!"....or....."6 weeks and out man, and I'm gonna buy it on this rock!" Really great stuff. Just a great movie. If you haven't seen it, try to rent it or catch it on cable. If not I'll call Big Bill and see if you can borrow his copy(I'm sure he still has it and still watches it from time to time).

....I seem to write about my son a lot. Hey a father and son have a bond. I don't write a lot about my daughter(his twin sister) mainly because if you're a father of a daughter you know there is nothing they do wrong or that is funny or basically anything that is anything. The only thing I can say about her is that she is the 4 year old version of my wife(I still haven't decided if this is a good thing for our know I never spell marriage wrong because I lost out on a spelling bee in 8th grade on that word....isn't it nuts the stupid stuff you remember?....I guess those spelling bees weren't completely useless)...where in the heck was I? Oh yeah, my daughter. She's the most beautiful being I have ever laid eyes on. She waits in bed for me to come wake her up. She could be up for hours but won't get out of bed until I come in and carry her to the living room. To say she's stubborn is to call the sun is as bright as a candle. Whenever I scold her she just walks away from me as to suggest, "You don't know what you're talking about." If I give her a timeout for beating on her brother, she just plays in her room. When I come to get her after a few minutes, she just marches right out of the room as if nothing ever happened. She's been annoyed with me lately because she is a swimmer. She loves the water. She swims under water in the tub! We have a pool in the backyard and for the life of her she can't understand why I haven't opened it up yet. I try to tell her that it's still too cold for swimming and she just looks at me and says, "No it isn't." Don't get me wrong, I know she knows more than me but she's 4, I'm 44 that should count for something but not to her. She just doesn't get me. I confuse the crap out of her. I can see her thinking, "Why doesn't he just listen to me?" Every day when the sun is out she asks me, "Is it summer now? The sun is shining." When I tell her "No it's still early spring and we can't go swimming for a couple of months." She just looks at me and gets pissed. Like it's my fault! Somewhere my wife is laughing.

....My son likes to watch cartoons on TV. For those of you who have younger children it's important to watch these shows. Some of them have content I'm not so sure my 4 year olds should watch. Granted, Michael's favorite show is Star Wars, The Clone Wars but I think a lot of that has to do with the fact it's my favorite show too and we always watch together. A lot of it goes over his head but he gets that Anikan Skywalker and Obi Wan Kanobi are cool dudes and we root for good over evil. He gets the whole Jedi thing. We have a great time watching together. But I digress. The other day I was watching a show called Ben-10 with him. I'm guessing Ben is 10 years old because he was talking about girls and making out and such. I don't really know what's going on but apparently he is fighting ghosts or something and has an ability to get special powers by punching his watch. Once again, I'm not sure of the whole gidst. Anyway, I say to Mike, "I'm not sure if you should be watching this show. I think that if it was called Ben-5 it would be more appropriate for your viewing." He says, "Yeah, but Daddy, then it wouldn't rhyme!"......I said, "Yeah but it has a lot of stuff that a kid your age probably shouldn't be watching." He said, "You know I like the action shows, like Star Wars The Clone Wars." DAMN!

....Yesterday we were watching TV and his sister wanted to watch a show. Mike and I were in my chair in the living room together and Janie(his sister) was right up in front of the TV......(side note...we have Storytime everyday. That's when I spend an hour reading to don't go getting all high and mighty like I'm a shitty parent who let's them watch TV all the time like my wife thinks I do.....I just like to know what they're watching and this is a diatribe about the shows that they watch).....while I'm at daughter Janie has the same disease her mother has, it's called Standing in Front of the TV So No One Else Can See Syndrome. My girl has no better viewing vantage point than directly in front of the screen. Even tonite while she was getting scared from the aliens in Aliens, she had to view the movie directly in front of the screen. I could see a planet exploding around a 4 year old's head....not the same thing as just seeing a planet where the heck was I again....damn this is starting to get long. Oh yeah, Janie was watching her show. It was called Angelina Ballernina. It was about these mice who are ballerinas. I'm thinking okay I need to view this show and see if it's acceptable and it was so lame. The mice spoke in a british accent and were freaking ballerinas. Oh my gay! Anyway, I'm sitting there in the chair with Mike and I hear this snicker. Now I'm thinking that's the funniest thing I've ever heard because if it was my son, he was reading my mind. I wait. "Snicker." I look at him and he's grinning but trying not to know what I mean. I then, "Snicker." He's breaks up! The two of us started laughing out loud! It was so funny. But then because we didn't want to hurt Janie's feelings, we went back to snickering....quite frankly that was even funnier. It was a great father-son moment.

......Let me close with this one. When I talk to my sister on the phone, before we hang up she usually asks me for a good kid moment. Often times I can't come up with one because they come all the time you forget them easily....although since this blog has begun I have started writing down some of these so I can do a musings type blog like's my first foray into this style and I'm hoping it works....we'll see. My guess is it will get better feedback than when I rip a previous president. This would qualify as a good kid moment. I have been trying to get these two 4 year olds to pick up after themselves and it starts with cleaning their room. It amazes me how two little kids can make such a colossal mess of one small room. Anyhow, I told Mike he had to spend some time cleaning up his room with me. He said, "Daddy, when I'm 5 or 6 or 7 or 8 or even 16 years old, I'll clean up my room all by myself." Naturally I replied, "Be careful son, I'm gonna hold you to that." Do you know what he said? "Yeah, but then you won't be able to pick me up."

It just goes to show you, the only thing I have gotten correct in my parenting days is that they are always a step ahead of me!

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