Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Stem Cell-icious

Isn't it a typical situation. You start a website and within a week, the computer breaks down and you spend/waste an entire day on the phone with Tech Support geeks who confuse the crap out of you. Regardless, here we go for today.....

Even though I'm a day late, I must say the news of President Obama's signing of the bill to end the ban on stem cell research is a godsend. Especially to me and my family.

You see we have been burying people at an alarming rate in the last couple of years. Mainly due to a horrific disease that runs in my wife's family. It's called Ataxia and plain and simply it takes people away from us at way too early a date. Do me a favor and look it up. Support it's research in any way you can. Or just support those who are fighting it. Trust me it's not a pretty disease and those who are dealing with it are stronger people than I can ever wish to be.

A few years ago we were getting very positive feedback on not only a cure for Ataxia but a way to reverse the symptoms of those already inflicted (it is a crippling disease that takes its time destroying a person). Literally, those infected could get treatment and be back to their normal selves in no time.

The research break-throughs were due to stem cell testing. In the last few years we have been waiting for more news but none has come.

Yesterday, hope came back into the Ataxia situation. Thanks to Obama standing up to the opponents of research and progress, the future is brighter.

Personally, I don't quite get why anyone would want to stand in the way of progress. Isn't that what we've been doing for all these years as a society? And if someone tells me it's due to religious reasons I don't get that either.

As a catholic person basically my whole life I have been taught that my religion comes down to two basic principles....love God and love your neighbor. Isn't doing everything you can to cure people of their ailments loving your neighbor?

When my wife and I got pregnant we fertilized 11 embryos. They were grown for 3 days. On the third day they each were tested for the chromosone dificiency I have. Out of the 11, 2 didn't have it. Today, their names are Michael and Janie. Let me tell you if you haven't seen these little gifts from above, they are the greatest one-time embryos I have ever seen. The other 9 embyros were thrown in the garbage. If those embryos could have been tested to help research a cure for the people in my life and everyone elses who have died in the last 5 years, doesn't it make sense to use them?

Sure does to me.

I don't know about you, but with all that is going on in our society and our economy, to have a president who realizes if/when we get this all straightened out it sure would be nice if the people we love can be around to enjoy it.


  1. Okay, so now you get to the crux of the issues. Science versus religion. I can expound on this topic for hours, but I won't. You cannot be a Catholic and support stem-cell research. If you are a Catholic, you believe that life starts a conception. If life starts at conception, you are harvesting stem cells from living beings that must be killed to harvest the stem-cells. Hello murderer.

    I am not necessarily opposed to the research, as it may prolong life. There are numerous other topics we could branch off into. Like assisted suicide. The church opposes assisted suicide, but is okay with regular medical care to prolong life. If you prolong someone's life, aren't you interfering with God's plan to take them when He is ready? So, to be a Catholic, you do not take anything that would prolong your life. You die when you die and people will say that God was ready for you. MMMMMM, makes it tough to be a Catholic nowadays. Now we can see why the Church is in such upheaval.

    Just my sunny thoughts for you today. Billy

  2. This is going to be a six pack discussion with shots of Johnny Walker (red or black) thrown in for good measure.

  3. Yo, Lazerous here.What's up heathen?
