Sunday, March 29, 2009

Fantasy Baseball Together

People don't realize why we play fantasy baseball. People look at it in an uninformed point of view. Largely fantasy sports leagues are viewed as weird and a waste of time. As a player of fantasy sports for about 20 years I really can't argue with these viewpoints. But I must tell you each year I spend a day at my fantasy baseball draft with some of my closest friends and this is where the attraction lies.

Two of my best friends, Bryan and Tim come to my house each year on the day of our fantasy baseball draft two hours before we need to arrive at the drafting site....which is the basement of the commissioner of our league's house.....stop thinking about how gay it is that 15-20 men gather in the basement of a man's house to do nothing but talk about's more than that.

As I got in Tim's car after spending a couple hours with my good friends, I said to them, "You know the best part of this baseball draft is the two hours we get to spend together before we get in the car." I meant it and I know they knew I did.

You see, I talk with Bryan and Tim all the time. Rarely do we get to get together as a threesome and laugh and smile like we do when we are together. Hey, it's tough to get together when you have hockey games and Indian princesses(whatever the hell that is) or trips to grandma's or whatever it is that is taking all of our time as parents. Shit, when we became friends almost 20 years ago, we didn't think we would be chasing our kids around.

So you see, this stupid fantasy baseball league gives us all an excuse to spend time together.

Together is the key. The three of us rarely get together. It is uplifting, emotional and exhilarating to be with these two friends of mine in the same room at the same time. I care about them equally. I speak and spend time with them as much as possible. But it rarely happens that the three of us get to be together at the same time.

Everyone has go-to friends. These are the friends you call when you're in a tough spot and don't know which way to go. These are the friends you call when life is kicking the shit out of you and you need some honest advice. These are the friends you call when you need to be slapped in the face and you know they'll do it because they care about you so much that hurting your feelings isn't as important as getting you through the tough times. This is Bryan and Tim.

I am proud to have friends like these two. I know I am a better person today because of them. These two people have helped me through some of the darkest and toughest times of my life. I will always be indebted to them for the guidance and thoughtfulness they have given me throughout these years of our friendship.

The next time you hear about a fantasy baseball league, don't think about the stupidity(it is pretty stupid and all who play it know this), think about the fact that it gives men....who otherwise would have a problem stating it....a chance to be together.

It's the best part of my league.

1 comment:

  1. I couldn't have said it any better. Best day of the year and the feeling is completely mutual!!

    Love ya , Tom

    Chief Screeching Monkey
