Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Michael for Commissioner

It's time for the commissioners of our favorite sports leagues to step down. Talk about your typical AIG assholes. David Stern, Bud Selig, Gary Bettman and the latest NFL stooge should all step aside. They have devastated the sports we have come to know and love. I am so sick and tired of hearing about these pampered pro atheletes and how we need to be passionate and give them a second, third and sometimes fourth chance.

These commissioner have been giving themselves raises year in and year out while they allow athletes to denigrate our sports. Bud Selig is the George Bush of our baseball era. He speaks about how player/owner relations have never been better but never mentions the fact that he was the cause of baseball fans all over the country missing out on the playoffs and World Series because of these same "relations".

Bush always said we haven't had a terrorist attack since 911. But "Hello"....911 happened on his watch. The same is true for Selig. His regime will always be known as the "make money for myself regardless of what happens to the sport" era. Just think about the "steroid era".

David Stern has turned what was a fun sport to watch into a "who cares" league.

Gary Bettman could be the most volatile of the group. His arrogance lost us fans an ENTIRE SEASON! An entire season. This arrogant piece of garbage(edited for content) felt he was bigger than all of the fans of hockey that he didn't think it would hurt the game if we lost an entire season.

What a freaking joke. If you saw how much these so-called overseers of our sports made per year, you would puke. They have proved to us that they don't care about the fans or the game they are supposedly overseeing and that they only care about putting money in their own pockets.

Personally, I feel this is the genesis of all the problems with our economy and well being presently but I try to stay away from the political arguments on this blog because I really want my sister Peggy to read(although I don't think she does).

I have a solution to the commissioner dilemma we are saddled with today. I propose my son, Michael become commissioner of all the sports leagues.

Hey, he turns 5 in a couple weeks. He certainly could do better than the people we have in position now.

Michael would tell Marshawn Lynch who is hoping his suspension won't be 4 games and only 2 for carrying a loaded weapon in publc that he needs a timeout and is due for a spanking. Now that it's his second time in "timeout land", he's done. Mike will take away something Marshawn wants, to teach him a lesson.....the opportunity to partake in the NFL is perfect. Guess what Marshawn, you're gone. Mike would have no problem telling him that. Listen if it isn't fit for a 5 year old then you shouldn't do it.

Let's look at that. If a 5 year old shouldn't see it, than don't do it. If you do something a 5 year old wouldn't approve of, you're gone. Quit all this pampering b.s.

Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens should go to jail. They lied to a grand jury. My 5 year old knows not to lie. These cheaters need to realize the consequences of their actions and own up to it. If they get to go free without paying a substantial price, my son will think it's okay to lie.....even to a grand jury.

I've heard it all before. Athletes aren't role models. I realize this but the fact is that kids in the world look up to them. If they can't uphold simple values then they should be shown the door.

Pacman Jones is a bad person. He's proved it over and over. Why can't these commissioners just say good-bye. I don't care if a team feels they are being cheated because the guy they spent so much money on can't behave himself in public. Sorry, you drafted him or traded for him, do some research and know what kind of person, not just what kind of player, you are getting.

The bottom line is that these commissioners know that the high profile players make them money. I say my son can draw a more discriminate line than these pawns.

If a player's actions make a 5 year old uncomfortable, than they should be done. No second chances.

In an economy where people are losing their jobs and their houses at an incredible rate but athletes salaries are still reaching new highs, the right and priveledge to play sports should become more treasured. These low-lifes who seem to think they are above it all should not be allowed to participate.

If they can't respect it, they shouldn't be able to take part.

My son knows this.....he'd be a great commissioner.

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