Sunday, March 8, 2009

Turn Back the Clock

It's amazing what an hour will do. Life in Chicagoland is a bitch. We have the worst weather in the country. PERIOD. People to the east and west actually have a spring and fall. We have cold ass weather then too hot for comfort. We don't get a spring. It's ridiculous. People on the west coast get great weather all year. People in the south wish it would be 60 so they could be comfortable. 60? Suck me.

Don't get me wrong. I love the snow at Christmas time. It's beautiful. It brings the spirit of the season home. My wife prays for a white Christmas every year and she's an atheist!

Sure the snow at Christmas is nice but when it gets to be March....go the frick away! I've had enough.

I'm tired of being cold and angry. I want to be warm and merry!

Tonite we turned back the clocks. The first sign that spring is upon us. The weather reports tell us we are going to be in 30's this week.....F@#k You! Spring my ass. Don't give me a couple 60 degree days and then go back to the 30's. That's total bull!

Hey, when we were in the minus 10's.....30 degrees was was like a heat wave. But not now. I got a couple of 60 degrees days now I'm in. Now 30 degrees sucks!

7 o'clock tonite it was lite out. I don't give a flying f@#k whether some stupid ground hog in Pennsylvania saw his shadow or not....give me some spring! If it's lite out at 7 o' best be giving me some decent weather.

As a person from the Chicagoland could only say......I'm so sick of winter, if spring doesn't get here soon I'm jumping off the nearest lie....test me....bitch.