Monday, May 18, 2009

Janie's Got a 101

Man it sucks when your daughter has a fever. Her cheeks get red and she's so lethargic. She just wants to lay her head on my lap. My poor girl.

When my boy gets sick, he just plays as if nothing's different but then he just falls down and sleeps where he is because his body can't take anymore. He doesn't realize he's sick, he just can't keep up his usual pace without actually realizing it.

My daughter is a girl. She doesn't roll that way. She knows she's feeling shitty and milks it for all the snuggly, lovey'ness she can get out of it(5 year old version of her mother in every way!).

It is pretty cute though. I put her to bed tonite and I thought she was sleeping. I whispered to her after laying her in her bed, "If you feel bad in the nite, just come to Daddy's bed and I'll hold you until you feel better."

She whispered back to me, "Okay Daddy. I love you."

It was pretty cool.

It sucks when she doesn't feel good. But selfishly, it's kinda nice because all she wants is for her Daddy to hold her. I don't get that very often. Of course she wants me to hold her all friggin day long and that gets a little nutty. But still. What human being wouldn't want their offspring to want to have them hold them all day long? Even is she has a 102 fever. And you know I'm gonna have the same cold next week!

But still. I get to hold my daughter all day long. This is better than a Red Wing victory! Really it is.

Don't misunderstand. My son and I were the only ones in a house full of hockey fans today rooting for the Red Wings. And when the Wings scored Michael screamed and screamed. Then he high fived me 10 times in a row. Then he danced around the room. He was so great that a few Blackhawk fans in the room said, "We're not coming back here next week."

But tomorrow my daughter will be not feeling well all day. I'll have to hold her all day long.

I feel bad for her....but truthfully, not for me.

P.S. She'll be fine. It's just a fever.

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