Monday, April 20, 2009

Welcome to Turmoil My Gay Friends!

I'm so confused about homosexuality right now. Why in the hell would I be against people who love each other from getting married? How is my two gay friends getting married any different than my best friend marrying a stupid young bitch that isn't right for him but he keeps telling me he's in love! It's the same thing.

People are people. We are attracted to who we are attracted to. If it's a member of the same sex, so be it. I just want my friends to be happy. What I don't get is why we as heterosexual beings want to push our beliefs onto others. What in the world gives us this right? Have we not learned from the past sexist and racist actions of our ancestors to realize we are not more open-minded and intelligent? Do we not realize that imposing our ancient beliefs upon a sector of people is rude and unfeeling?

If the answer to this is religion I'm going to bust. I'm done with following the ways of religion. If I were to follow the ways of religion I would play footsie with men in the bathroom at airports or send text messages to boy-toys. It really is time for us all to stand up to the facts.

We all have friends who are homosexual(if you don't you're missing an extremely fun group of people). They are a part of our everyday life. Most are terrific people who we love. How is it that we don't want to allow them the gift of marriage(truthfully, they are probably better off without it....careful what you wish for, you just might get it)?

The one thing that my gay friends have against me is that I'm married. I say let's screw it to them. Let's even the playing field. If what they want is to be monogamous and exclusive to the one they love, I say marry it up!

I have spoken with iron workers and electricians and they all say the same thing, "I'd rather be working with a gay man as my partner than an illegal alien."

Right now, illegal aliens have it easier to get married than a homosexual.

I have had the privilege to have friends who are homosexual and I must tell you, it's wrong what we are doing to these people. They have fought through some extreme racism to get to where they are today. Frankly, we have nothing to be afraid of. It seems we are.

I think that the reason we seem to not want them to have the right to be miserable(or married) is being voted on by people who haven't met or had the opportunity to get to know a gay person.

I truly believe if the people who continue to vote against homosexual marriage had friends who were gay or knew a gay couple, like I do, they would think differently. These are the people who should be the least of our worries. Gay couples are so much like my marriage. I have had conversations about relationships with gay couples that mirror my married life so much that it is just silly. It is amazing how relationships are relationships whether heterosexual or homosexual. People who don't know this are just uninformed. The fact is, you are stupid. You are effecting good people's lives without knowledge. It hurts me. These are people I care about. Why can't you? Why can't you trust me? I don't lie. I wouldn't lie to you about something so important.

I'm trying to tell you to stop being so scared. Trust me. I'm heterosexual. I know this is okay. Stop hurting people I care about. Your attitude is ancient and ignorant. Get over yourself. My friends and I are begging you.

Marry up my gay friends. Come to my house. I'll throw a party for you!

I can't wait to hear about the turmoil of marriage!


  1. Tom, very impressed with this one. This blog is great for your soul. Keep searchin. Love ya, Jackie

  2. Quoting Andy Rooney, here, "I think that if you feel homosexuality is wrong, it is not a phobia, it is an opinion."

    That being said, I really could care less who anyone sleeps with (who am I to judge)as long as it doesn't cost me any money...

