Thursday, April 9, 2009

Don't Touch My Burner

I must take a moment to mention how difficult writing a blog can be. Generally I write about something that has given me purpose to think in the approximately 24 hours since my last writing. You would be amazed at how you can go through life every day and not have a moment that affects you enough to write.

It was a beautiful in Chicagoland today. We were in the mid 50's and my beautiful children were outside with me all day. It was pretty cool for me. I love being outside with them. But it's not that poignant to warrant a decent blog. Chasing after a baseball is only so interesting.

I have some close friends going through an extremely difficult time right now, but writing about it(which I want to so bad I couldn't sleep last nite and I will soon) just doesn't seem like the friend thing to do. So I am going to pull from the depths of my mental archives.

You see, there are times when writing this blog is a breeze. Events happen that make it easy to respond. But often times, I have to come up with something entertaining or thought provoking to write about. Believe me, it is so much easier to write about something I am extremely passionate about than something that is just about me.

So screw it...I'm writing about me tonite.

I love to cook. I cook the majority of the meals in my house. I not only cook for my family, but I cook for our friends too. My wife loves my cooking so much she brags about it to her friends and invites them over to experience my food(she's a peach!).

I have no problem cooking for people. Without blowing my own horn(you know that what comes next is me blowing my horn), I'm pretty good at it. I have a background in restaurants and have been taught by some people that I think that are the best in their field(Big Bill I'm talking about you!).

I am also very welcoming to people who want to watch or take part in the cooking process as I go through the effort of preparing the meal.

To an extent.

Let me take you through an episode the other day that happened to me in my kitchen......did I mention my kitchen?

I was making Pumpkin Ravioli w/Mascarpone Cream Sauce for about 10 people at my house(it's freaking and I'll send you the recipe).

My friend Linda was in a hurry to get home or something and started telling me how she thought my cooking could be better(hey, I'm all about receiving tips to make things better but for the love of god, I'm cooking for a dozen people here). I took her thoughts into consideration but I was cooking for a group of people and her thoughts were better for the next time I made this meal.

Like I said I'm good with suggestions. After all, if we don't listen to other's ideas we will never advance our cooking skill.

Without boring you with the details of how I prepare the sauce for this meal(which by the way is the key to the whole eating experience)I'll move on. I began cooking the sauce. For some reason Linda didn't think I was cooking it properly and adjusted the burner underneath my sauce pan!


That was it. "Get out of my kitchen." I yelled.

Of course I was chastised for yelling at a guest by my wife but for crying out loud! I listened to her ridiculous ideas on how to make my exactly perfect sauce better for close to an hour. Do I really have to allow her to come into my kitchen and adjust my burners?

I can handle all the cooking advice in the world. Everyone has an opinion as to how something may taste better. Ultimately it's my product. I'll listen but I don't have to follow the advice.

I will offer this advice to anyone who chooses to offer their thoughts on how a meal may come out better to a cook who is preparing it.....

1. Don't expect us to agree
2. Don't expect us to change our cooking procedure
3. Don't ever touch our heat

The last one is the most important.

It's like slapping someone on the ass while they're having sex and saying, "Hey! How's your Mom?"


  1. Tom, I throughly enjoy your cooking and respect your cooking procedures..I apologize for the back burner driving, but you know the Pumpkin ravioli is my favorite...I just couldn't wait any longer. I thought about it all week, like a hot date. I know pretty pathetic. With that said...I promise, wait I take that back, I will TRY not to add my $1.50 to the cooking habits of the chef in the future, I want to remain a guest on the list.

    By the way dinner was delicious last night...thanks again! Linda

  2. I usually refrain from making comments on the blog and save my comments for in person, but I couldn't resist on this one. Take cooking suggestions gracefully? Do you think the people who read this don't know you? Who are you trying to kid? If I even mention that someone else has invited us to their house and you are not doing the cooking, the grimace on your face is enough to say that you're not going into the meal with a completely open mind. That being said, you will usually eat and compliment the cook...that is until we get in the car.

  3. I'm not too sure you are that anonymous....but regardless thank you for your comments!


  4. O.K. if someone tried to adjust MY burner while I was cooking! I would definitely be telling them to back off!
    Sorry it's taking me so long to "log" in. I'll try to be more on board with you Chef and we can swap stories!

  5. You knew I would comment on this one. Try living with a certified chef in the house! Gina rules in the kitchen (as long as it is not mine. LOL).One of the reasons that Gina married me is that I told her I was a better cook than her. Yes, this seems very ballsy telling a chef that you can cook better then them. However, another reason she married me is that I proved it. To this day, 16 years later, we still argue about which one of us cooks better. We also cannot cook in the same kitchen together very well.
    We both like to take charge and make things happen on the stove and in the over. Neither of us takes directions very well either. So, we have come to an unstated agreement. There are things she cooks better than I do (although none of them come to mind at this minute). And, there are things that I can prepare better than her (Apple pie, barbeque sauce, everything else) to name a few.
    So, I totally understand what you are saying about messing with your burners. Now try it with someone that actually knows how to cook. Definitely sets up some colorful dialogue in the Bastian pad. I try to keep away from Gina when she is cooking and she offers me the same respect. WE have actually enjoyed each other cooking for a long time and know that the other one is completely capable of putting together a world-class meal for our 4 under-aged gourmands.
    The best part about the on going debate, is that the kids are now old enough to get involved. Depending on who is asking the questions, mom or dad is the best cook in the house. I think this is how politicians and lawyers (one in the same) are raised! Just what I need 4 criminal minds in the house!
    Have a great Easter and enjoy the Phuck Ham!
    Love ya,

  6. When I was at Billy's house Gina cooked and Billy fed me drinks. Good combo and I thanked them both.

    This Jeff btw .... I forgot my password.
