Sunday, April 26, 2009

Karaoke Life Is A Different World

I feel I should follow up on my Girls Night Out post from the other nite. Yes, the women went out last nite and yes they had a great time. Also, they dressed to nines(which I really don't know what that means but it seems to fit here). There was a ton of make up and low cut tops and from all reports they had a great time.

I only get snippets of their evening and I really don't want much more but at one point I'm told they were laughing so hard at how one of the women trims her eyebrows. If you read my earlier post this would fall under the category of conversations I don't care to be a part of(but between just us, my sister is probably pissed because she wasn't a part of this conversation because I have never met another person in this universe who is so in tune to eye brow etiquette....that's an inside joke but my sisters will be laughing at this...ride with me here it'll get better)! I'm sure there was more intense conversation among these women but it's not my place to but-in and I chose not to. I understand the ritual.

The stupid part of the whole evening is that I felt compelled to go out as well. I was told, like I posted previously, not to go anywhere near where the women were to be this night.

My future brother-in-law, Shaun and I went out together since our women were doing whatever it was they were doing and we, quite frankly, had nothing better to do......because our women were out doing whatever it is they do during Girls Night Out.

My favorite bar was closed for a private party. I really don't have a second favorite bar. This became a dilemma. We decided to go to a local pub that some of our friends frequent. We had a couple drinks and then the dreaded karaoke began.

The first thing we said was, "Let's go somewhere else, this is gonna be bad." But I must tell you, karaoke is like a bad car accident, you just can't help yourself from looking.

Can someone tell me what motivates people who couldn't carry a tune if it had a shoulder strap to get up in front of an entire bar of people and sing as if they were Barbara Streisand?

15 minutes before the karaoke started a group of people entered the bar. Mind you, Shaun and I were there to basically watch the Blackhawks playoff hockey game. These people all crowded into the area in front of us and started perusing the booklet of songs that were available for them to sing.

I had a thought to myself that well at least they know what is going on here and they probably are looking for a place to showcase their talent. Oh, how wrong I was!

We're trying to watch the hockey game and these people just want to sing. That's all fine and good but could you please sit down and get out of the way.

I start getting the feeling this guy thinks I'm looking at him instead of the hockey game. I tell Shaun that I think this guy over there thinks I'm staring at him, you know, in that way, and Shaun's all caught up singing 99 Louf Balloons with the woman who's singing it karaoke style because he knows German!

I said, "Dude, are you singing 99 Balloons?"

He says, "Uh, yeah is that cool?"

I said, "NO!"....."What in the hell?"

I'm telling you it's like a traffic accident. You can't pull yourself away.

I have to confess. Shaun left to call his fiance' outside and I sat there by myself. The next karaoke singer started singing "Country Road" by John Denver. I know how ridiculous this song is but my sisters had all the John Denver albums when I was growing up and I found myself singing all the words to the song. Car accident.

This guy who was making eyes at me all night long started getting me thinking. He sang Piano Man by Billy Joel and a song called Picture by Cheryl Crowe he did with a woman as a duet and I'm here to tell you he was hoooorrrrrriiiibllllle.

I'm only going to make fun of this guy because he was making eyes at me all night long and I felt we had a connection. By the way, my beautiful wife was at a bar all night with young guys looking at her longingly with her caked on makeup and low cut, cleavage revealing top and I was being solicited by a gay guy who was wearing a sport jacket over a t-shirt!....... I'm not kidding.

I kept telling Shaun that he had to go talk to the guy and ask him about his t-shirt under the sport jacket. Shaun bailed on me. No balls.

After a few shots I approached this guy and asked him about the t-shirt he was wearing. I said, "Dude, that's a great shirt what does it say?"

He said, "I don't know I got it at Marshall's."

I had no idea what he meant. Apparently Marshall's is a place for t-shirts. Is this something I should know? I don't. He showed me the print on it and it had a DKNY insignia on it. I just said, "Cool." And I walked away.

I was trying to get a feel for the mentality of the karaoke crowd.

It wasn't just a sport jacket, it was actually a suit coat with pin stripes. I'm not getting this. Someone needs to help me understand this mentality.

The whole karaoke experience at this bar was eye opening. I don't want to be judgemental but these people were crazed. It was like entering into an alternate universe where nothing was what it seemed.

I'm not sure if I'll ever get the karaoke scene but if they sing John Denver, I'll probably know all the words.


  1. TJ,
    The last time I sang in front of people, I was blacked out at my own wedding. The only way I remembered it was that it was actually caught on video. All I need to do is pop that bad boy in the old VCR and I will never, I mean ever, sing in front of people again!
    As for the gay guy, you should have rolled with it. Vicki would have been jealous as hell that you got a fag. You know how women like the fags!
    Love you (In a non-sexual way),

  2. Oh my God, this article is hysterical! BTW I am the John Denver fan you refer too!

    DNKY t-shirt with a pin striped blazer...priceless.


  3. Billy, I remember that ... too funny.
