Saturday, June 13, 2009

I'm Back but Confused

So I started a new job this week. It's not really a new job, it's the job I got laid off from last year. But thankfully they thought enough of me to want me back when the need arose. Here I am. 7:00am to 3:30pm. They're great hours. But my alarm goes off at 5:30am and I leave the house by 6:30am. It's a little different from waking up at 9:00am and making chocolate milk for the kids. My body is screaming at me. But it's all good.

Today is my first Saturday in a long time that I feel that I earned it. Don't get me wrong. Taking care of the kids and the house is more than a full time job, but as a man it just doesn't get you there. It's hard to explain. I don't want to downplay anyone but being a stay at home parent is a bitch.

It's nice because you are your own boss.....but really is this true? Your boss becomes your spouse. This can be the worst thing anyone could plague you with. I'm not going further. Being married is the best thing that has ever happened to me. Now that we share children I got nothing. It's insane. I care about nothing else. These three people are what make me, me. I care about other things but nothing compares to my devotion to these people. But when you're the guy who's home with the kids instead of the woman who carried them in her womb, not being an asshole is almost impossible no matter how clean the kitchen is.

I love working like I have never before. I work with a lot of people who don't like what they do. But I love it. I'm almost too giddy. I don't have to clean the house or wipe a shitty butt(sorry Judy). I get to work at a job that I believe in. I truly believe the UVerse system will help almost every American family. It will save people money and that savings will be spent economically and we will all benefit.

Briefly....I am working w/AT&T like my grandfather. They are working to offer consumers a better and cheaper way to utilize cellphone, television and internet usage. These are things that every American spends money upon. If AT&T can come up with a way to save each and every American a $100 savings per month on these services don't you think that money will come back into the economy and we can start being capitalistic again?

If you get the opportunity to switch to AT&T UVerse do it! I believe it will be our way out! I'm not kidding.

But I digress. Boy I've put some kick ass tunes on this website. I've just been firing them up while I write tonite......"If I can't change your mind" Sugar. I hope you all dig some of my favorite tunes. If not, I don't care. My kids and I danced together the last time I put tunes up on the site. We were down in my computer dungeon in the basement dancing was sweet.

When I'm at work I miss my kids so much. But it's so cool when I come home....they run out to my car and even before I can get out of it, they are all over me. I get hugs and kisses like I'd been gone for days. It makes me realize the importance of it all.

I realize that this has been a blog of randomness. But I have missed writing this week. I have pretty much come home from work....spent some time with the kids....had dinner.....and gone to bed. I'm starting to feel better. Next week should work out better and I hope to write some more. Especially since the Stanley Cup Playoffs are over. No Comment.

Thank you for your patience.

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