Monday, May 25, 2009

I Love My Dog...Don't You?

I spent 15 years in the sports media. It's kind of a difficult circle. You have to realize, you're working in an environment that takes sports waaaaayyyy too seriously. Sports is meaningless. I know. I covered it for years. It's just fun. It's a past time. It's what we hang out with when life starts to become a little too intense. I mean, c'mon who's life doesn't need an outlet? Men like me have our sports. My wife and women like her have their soap operas.

The point is, we know it's just bullshit. Sports and soap operas have virtually the same amount of meaning in everyone's day to day lives. But it's nice to get away. Life can have that manipulating force upon us all and without our silly outlets we'd all just freak out and kill our wives like Drew Peterson(talk about a guy who could've used fantasy baseball in his life).

But I gotta tell you, this jerk-off Michael Vick should just go away. I am sickened by the coverage of ESPN who has a reporter on his front lawn telling us that this douche bag, criminal has come home from jail.

My question is this. Who the hell gives ESPN the godlike right to decide what I want to be covered by my sport's station? Someone needs to monitor these dopes. Michael Vick is a hideous criminal. He's been in jail for two years because he is a horrible member of society. Now all of a sudden he is news because he is coming home from the penitentiary to be on house arrest for the next few months?

Has sports dived so low in the gutter that a guy who is as horrible as this guy has become news? This is a bad person. He is less worthy than the dump I took this morning. This man allowed the death of dogs for his financial advancement. Mind you he was making a small fortune playing in the NFL but still felt that the enjoyment of watching dogs fight to the death was worth even more. This is not a decent human being.

Still ESPN has reporters camped outside this guy's house to tell us when he arrives home from jail! They show over and over his car arriving at his house. Who the frick cares? No one should care about this piece of garbage human being. It is nausiating.

This is a bad guy. He wants to come back and play in the NFL If this happens people and fans across America should boycott the games he plays.

Sports leagues across the country need to learn two simple words....Lifetime ban. Pieces of garbage like Michael Vick have no place in our sport past times. We don't need the likes of this guy in our sports. He needs us. "You lose, Buddy. I don't care that you run fast. I don't care that you can throw the ball a long ways. You disrespected the league, you're gone."

How in God's name am I supposed to explain to my five year old son who wants to know everything, and I mean everything, about every sports game that is on TV about how this horrible human being who literally sanctioned dog fighting and the inevitable death of hundreds of dogs at his hands is playing football in the NFL? Do I have to tell my son it's because he can run fast? Do I tell him it's because the owners and the people who run the NFL can't resist the fact this horrible human being is a good player?

What a joke. There is no place in sports for this criminal. Bottom line...he's a criminal. If the NFL allows this horrible human being to play again because "he's fast" or whatever, they are admitting that the sport has nothing to do with sportsmanship but everything to do with dollarship. As a fan of football for almost my whole life, this would be irreconcilable.

As someone who has a dog.....if Michael Vick ever looked at my dog, Townshend, I'd have to kick his ass and I'd be happy doing it. Because my dog is a member of my family and quite frankly, no one messes with my family.

1 comment:

  1. You ever think that Micheal Vick is trying to control the dogs like the football world has controlled him. You know I love dogs (we are on our 4th) and that I would never condone what Vick did. Think about the similarities between dog-fighting and football. Get them all juiced up on steroids and pain killers and send them out to kill the opponent. The training them to be killers and when they are done with them, they toss them aside for this year's model.

    Food for thought.
